Stephen J. Caggiano

The Movies Do it. TV Does it. Why Don’t You Do It?

In Social Media on January 2, 2011 at 3:02 pm

Amber Osborne

“This is the day of dramatization. Merely stating a truth isn’t enough. The truth has to be made vivid, interesting, dramatic. You have to use showmanship.”
While content Trumps all, image baits. Even if You have the best content on the planet, if nobody connects with You, then nobody connects with You.
Let me give You an example. I Love Pizza. But when I go fishing, I do not use Pizza as bait. Why? Fish don’t like Pizza. While I don’t like worms and such, it’s simply Better Bait for catching fish. Now, back to Social Media. Does Your image invite pedestrians to take a second look? I ask because it’s only a matter of time before the SMM world succumbs to the same fate as Television. Image sells. It’s simply better bait. As more hooks are being dropped into the water, the fish are going to become desensitized. And what will they bite on? The flashier lures that draw them out of their worm-on-a-hook laden waters.
The belief that People dig deeper for quality content, is a safe assumption for now. It’s only a matter of time before MTV developes a show called Pimp My Blog. It will feature the content driven academic blogs and Bloggers.
The image above belongs to Amber Osborne.
She Tweets @missdestructo
See what these folks are up to #Ungeeked
After this post, Chris Brogan confirmed my suspicions about the topic Here.
  1. “This is the day of dramatization. Merely stating a truth isn’t enough. The truth has to be made vivid, interesting, dramatic. You have to use showmanship.”
    Dale Carnegie

    Stephen, I am honored. I love this quote. It’s seriously what I am all about… it’s about showmanship. It’s about making social media more than just about information but as an artform.

    I think brains and quality of content are seriously important. But you are right, there has to be a whole package in any kind of media to get people hooked. As in TV or in music, you can tell what’s been pre packaged, what is fake and who is real. I dread the day there is a “pimp my blog”… ha ha

    Personality, showmanship and image is important, i’ve learned this from years of working with musicians and idolizing people like David Bowie and Richard Branson.

    You don’t have to look striking to be a success, you can also have a striking personality also to real em in. Charisma is a skill, just don’t force it. Be accepting to change and always take care and help others grow as well in this new world of social media.

    We talk too much about transparency in social media, I think transparency and a bit of mystery is always the key. 🙂

    Thank you again Stephen,

    See you at #ungeeked

    -Miss Destructo

    • I believe You are ahead of the trend here Amber. The Social Media portion of my Blog is, really, to lead others, to the People I believe to be exceptional in some way. You are a Bright light in a dimly lit industry. A real Stand Out from the crowd. And I can not emphasize how
      Valuable I believe Your Brand to be. And, at the end of the day, it’s just You. Kudos Innovator!
      I am Honored by our connection.
      Thank You

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